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pequeña planta

       First, we have provided students with a weekly shopping list. In it, they have written down products that their families buy weekly. shopping list.pdf


        Later, we have analyzed the shopping lists and provided them with ideas for a greener shopping. purchase.pdf


         On the other hand, we have implemented a questionaire to learn more about consumer behavior in each partner country. The result are in the following document. report-consumer-behaviour.pdf

        "Finally, we have created among all partners a table to know the fruits and vegetables in season in each month of the year. Only appear the species cultivated in the region where the schools are located". download table

Ingeniero agrónomo con tableta

compost bin

We have built some containers to recycle organic waste. On the other hand, we have learned to make compost. The idea is to take advantage of all the organic waste from schools and use the compost generated to fertilize our school gardens.

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